Your gateway for discovering new animation from Asia-Pacific!

Kidscreen is thrilled to announce that AAS 2020 and 2021 will be held in Bali, Indonesia.

Join us there and discover Asia-Pacific’s best new animation for kids first. PLUS connect with new partners in Indonesia’s fast-growing and vibrant creative industry.

More info and registration coming soon.

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Now in its eighth year, the Asian Animation Summit (AAS) is an annual event designed to showcase Asia’s strongest animated projects looking for investors and partners.

Speaker Libbie Doherty


Libbie Doherty


ABC Australia

As Head of Children’s Libbie is responsible for the Content Strategy and has oversight of 380 hours of internally produced and commissioned content across the ABC’s two dedicated children’s channels, ABCME (6-12yrs) and ABC KIDS (2-6yrs). As a member of the ABC's TV & Radio leadership team, she contributes to the ABC’s audiences, production and business strategy by building high quality and distinctive programming, across all the Children’s distribution channels delivering the #1 Australian Children’s entertainment network.

With 60+ internal creative staff in Sydney and Melbourne, as Creative Leader she sets the bar for creative excellence, innovation and nurtures teams to deliver ambitious, unique and compelling stories that are world class. Driving new partnerships and valuing long-standing creative alliances, her tenure positions the ABC as a trusted partner enabling Australian content to thrive in Australia and succeed in the global marketplace.

Speaking on: Pitchfest 1; Pitchfest 1

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